Thursday, February 28, 2013

March 2003 in Swaziland

The archiving project continues. Photos below are from March 2003 in Swaziland. The girl is Grace. The photos at the end...looks like Gracie got her mom's red hair, at least for her early months!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Swaziland in January/February 2003

The first house we lived in. We liked the Spanish tile roof.

Rudy and the first Poglitsh child-Grace.

We never, ever tired of the view. It still moves me.

Ditto from above.

Ruth and the firstborn, looking around.

We had a good fence, but the front gate had not been done yet; hence we had occasional bovine visitors.

What a great place to rear children; what a great place to live.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Camp Mah-Kah-Wee

Program participants

This is the place

Anhinga (I am guessing) early morning

The amphitheater

The lodge

Directions to the camping sites

Lodge entrance

The lake in the afternoon; it was as pleasant as it looks