Saturday, May 22, 2010

Brittany Bickford a couple weeks before she left.
Girls just before bed.

Grace spends some time with Jabulile in Jabu's "crib"

Mother and child

The girls found the bird's nest; the grandparents shipped the Jelly Bellies.
Our kids are into watercolor body art.

Kit and Jabu.

The kids really do move around in their sleep, and strike some hilarious positions. Looks like slo-mo WWF.
Cub and Jabu movie.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How to Dress Like A Swazi

Reading time. This was not a staged photograph; the girls set this up and were reading on their own.

Some articles of traditional Swazi clothes for men.

Manafu hunters. Manafu is a gooey sap from wattle trees. Our girls eat it like candy.


Walking stick on our wall. See next photo for scale.

Walking stick.

Grace's Hillbilly barette.