Saturday, July 3, 2010

Random photos

I decided to put some older photos on the blog, to give folks a feel of our place. Enjoy.

One view of our area. Looks to me a little bit like The Shire in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings.

Some flowers in Mbabane early on a Sunday morning.

Another Mbabane early Sunday morning flower.

The Mbabane bus rank, our main transportation hub.

Scene of our area, when walking from town to the school. What a place!

Part of the Mbuluzi river near our school.

A homemade bridge over the Mbuluzi. It has since washed out.

Grandparents, close your eyes! Rudy taking a daughter (Grace, when she was just 1 year old, mid-2003) over the bridge.

Local flower.

Ruth with young Grace (mid-2003).

Another local flower; blossoms in winter.

Hiking between the school and town. More Lord of the Rings look and feel.