Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nsukumbili Hair Salon

Philiswa and Cub

Yenzile and Owethu

Nelsiwe and Grace

Philiswa and Cub, 2 times

Friday, September 3, 2010

Two Opinions on AIDS

Walk with Cubby to Sibebe

End of the trail.

Note: photos taken with our phone; sorry the quality isn't so good.

Looking back at the slope we came down.

The view looking back.

Wet, cold, but victorious.

What a great mountain.

The slope we came down. We stayed on/near the grass on the left side of the photo as much as possible.

Just below the summit. The clouds were fewer!

On the way to the top. Notice the burned grass everywhere but on the path.

On the path.

Practice for the summit.

A nice passage.

Some colored grass she liked.

A rock she liked.

Some attractive leaves.

More leaves.

Flowers she likes.

At the summit!