Friday, August 31, 2012

Short Jabu album

 Kit and Jabulile

 Jabu and scissors

 Jabu and fish at Hawane

Jabulile means "Joy"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ngwenya and Hawane

 Approaching finish line at Hawane.
 Entering the gate.
 The finish line.
 Tailgate party afterwards. I love being  a Nsukumhillbilly.
 Cub and proud pop at the end.
 Limbering up before the race.
 Ngwenya Glass Factory I
 Ngwenya Glass Factory II
 Sibusiso at starting line, 20km race.
 Plant life at Hawane I
 Plant life at HawaneII
 Plant life at HawaneIII
 Plant life at Hawane IV
 At the start of the Hawane race.
 Rudy and his daughters at Hawane.

 Sibusiso a week later.
Sibusiso enjoying his well-earned emahewu after a silver-medal finish.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

 Assyrian siege engine. Read the book of Judith in the Bible (Deuterocanonical book).

 The view on the way to church.

 Grace beneath a BIG boulder.

 How Jabu and Dad go to church.

Jabu's view atop dad's shoulders.

 Jabu relaxes at church.

 Kit and a comb she found on the way to church.

 Kit on the trail.

 Peanut-eating powwow in the midst of the backyard banana plants.

 Red hot candies on the way to church.

 Flowers on the way to church.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

People and Places

The Dlamini and Poglitsh families in 2005.

Homestead friends.

Flowers in Mbabane.

Yenzile and Grace, June 2003.

Mbabane bus rank (station).

"The hills are alive with the sound of music". Our backyard.

Nsukumbili students.

Yenzile and Grace, 2005.

More flowers in Mbabane.

Grace and Cub, 2004.

Fritos party, maybe 2006.

Grace, Yenzie, and Cub, maybe 2006 or 2007.

The bridge we helped build, date unknown-maybe 2006?

Soccer field and mountains.

Ruth and Cub, ready to roll. 2005?

A "typical" sunset.

Earth and sky.

Ruth and Cub (I think).

Another view of the bridge.

Grace and Cub in backpack, neighbors to front and back.

More lovely sky. Nature has all the best colors (next two the same).

The young men who moved us into our current house enjoying a well-earned pot of chili for their efforts. 2006