Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ngwenya and Hawane

 Approaching finish line at Hawane.
 Entering the gate.
 The finish line.
 Tailgate party afterwards. I love being  a Nsukumhillbilly.
 Cub and proud pop at the end.
 Limbering up before the race.
 Ngwenya Glass Factory I
 Ngwenya Glass Factory II
 Sibusiso at starting line, 20km race.
 Plant life at Hawane I
 Plant life at HawaneII
 Plant life at HawaneIII
 Plant life at Hawane IV
 At the start of the Hawane race.
 Rudy and his daughters at Hawane.

 Sibusiso a week later.
Sibusiso enjoying his well-earned emahewu after a silver-medal finish.